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Taco Tuesday: Virtual Yoga and Dinner

Join us for a Taco Tuesday evening of yoga & dinner! We will begin with a one hour gentle yoga practice guided by Jennifer. A practice to release any stress from the day physically or mentally and drop into a place of peace and calm within. We will do physical movements & stretching to open...


Bite-sized Wellness

BITE-SIZED WELLNESS Living in this crazy mixed up world is challenging and demanding and overwhelming; but our wellness shouldn't be. Enter Bite-sized Wellness. A simple Facebook group with the goal to make wellness simple, understandable and accessible to everyone. Think of it as support in helping you 'find your happy'.  This isn't a crazy diet plan,...


Virtual Yoga and Cooking Class Brunch!

Virtual Yoga and Cooking Class Brunch Join us for a glorious morning of yoga & brunch! Roll right out of bed and onto your yoga mat. Then we slide into the kitchen for a virtual cooking class! We will begin with a one hour gentle yoga practice guided by Jennifer. A practice to release any...


Fall Into Health – Body Cleanup Wellness Program

Don't let 202o win! End it stronger than you started! Ready to cut the  sugar, burn fat and feel comfortable in your skin? Are you experiencing any of the following? Excess weight, especially around your belly Sugar or salt cravings on a regular basis Dry skin, rash, acne or breakouts Can’t think straight or feel...


Understanding the Microbiome: Virtual Class

Understanding the Microbiome: a virtual class Acne, allergies, autoimmune diseases, anxiety, bowel disease, migraines, excessive weight ... all these are have one thing in common- an unhealthy microbiome. Digestive health is intricately connected to virtually every aspect of your health. Have you heard of the gut-brain connection? “Gut-Brain-Skin Axis” theory is a connection that is...


Clinical Nutrition Course- 12 CEU’s (virtual class)

This course provides an overview of nutrition and healthy diet as it relates to self-care and how poor nutrition can impact a client’s Offered through Soma Institute. December 2nd - 4th. 9am - 1pm

Clinical Nutrition Course- 12 CEU’s (virtual class)

Clinical Nutrition Course- 12 CEU's (virtual class) This course provides an overview of nutrition and healthy diet as it relates to self-care and how poor nutrition can impact a client’s Offered through Soma Institute. December 2nd - 4th. 9am - 1pm  

Clinical Nutrition Course- 12 CEU’s (virtual class)

This course provides an overview of nutrition and healthy diet as it relates to self-care and how poor nutrition can impact a client’s Offered through Soma Institute. December 2nd - 4th. 9am - 1pm  

Health and Wellness Coaching Certification Course

Want to help others on their health journey?  Become a Health and Wellness Coach!  Train with me. Virtual learning + earn CEU's! The course is 15 weeks, every Monday & Wednesday night - 5:30 -9:10pm CST See more and register at SOMA Institute.

The 21-day SELFISH Wellness Program

Be SELFISH and prioritize yourself to commit to the SELFISH 21-day Wellness Program. Discover your power, find your inner calm, sleep like a baby, improve your immune system and poo like rock star - SELFISH Wellness starts now!
