According to The American Institute of Stress, up to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems.
Eh gads.
So even with all the focus on mindfulness, meditation and stress relieving tactics we see being promoted in every news show, blog, magazine and phone apps, stress continues to strong-arm us daily.
For adults, job stress tends to top the list, but stress and anxiety among our youth has escalated due to peer pressure challenges, personal safety concerns, unhealthy lifestyles and social isolation.
What’s interesting is that modern day stress is more pervasive, persistent and insidious because it stems primarily from psychological rather than physical threats. Yet it’s these type of emotional stressors that we can gain the most control over.
You’ve likely read about or have had others tell you about, various stress-reducing tactics numerous times already, so I’m not going to go into a list here. If you need a few ideas, check out my past blogs on how mindfulness minimizes stress, on breathing away stress, reiki for stress and stress and a bad diet.
Today the focus is on consistency. Because reading a book or a blog, watching a news show and listening to a podcast doesn’t change your health. YOU DO!

Stress is contagious.
Could relaxation be too?
Actually doing something, and consistency in that something, is what makes a difference on your wellness journey.
The book Unhealthy Work claims that stress is a $1 trillion health epidemic and is a factor in five out of the six leading causes of death — heart disease, cancer, stroke, lower respiratory disease, and accidents.
It’s enough to make a person stressed out!
Consistency is the answer. Stopping to take a breath, or to do a round of self care once or twice is great. But it’s not going to move the needle. The more your make this a priority in your life, the more it becomes a habit and more resilient you’ll be to manage whatever stress comes your way.
Also remember that stress is actually contagious. Choosing with who and how you spend your time can help you make strides to finding more balance in your health.