Feeling paralyzed with where to start on your health? This VIP Healthy Kitchen and Coaching Makeover Day with Monique can shatter that overwhelm and inspire you to create ease in everything from your daily routine to food prep.
I find that many clients have a sense of what they should be doing, but often they just get overwhelmed with where to start. Or they get bombarded with ideas from friends, news sources and the internet with which diet plan to follow and the current poplar workout craze. And the idea of cooking healthy conjures up little bits of rabbit food with many hours of starvation in-between (ugh, sounds terrible to me too!)
Of course, there are many of us that really don’t understand why we don’t feel well — yes, I say we because this is where I started too!
->weight gain
->sleepless nights
->blood sugar imbalance
->GERD, burping, gas
->food intolerance
->dry skin
What does this VIP Intensive look like?
First- intensive is a powerful word. Think about out time together as a very thorough review of where you are currently with a path to get you to where you want to be. You walk away with a Health Blueprint – an action plan that maps out quick steps on your journey to healing.
Every VIP day is completely customized based on your needs and wants. We’ll kick off with an introductory call which will help me design our time together. Your day might look something like this:
- Getting Started – where you’ve been, where you are now
- What Next – where are you STUCK
- Step by Step – your Health Blueprint to kick start your journey
- Skill Mastery – kitchen skills
- Glorious Food – yup, we’re gonna eat some great grub to boot!
Are you ready to create your own special healing day? Send me an email and let’s get started!
What kind of stuff do we address?
The quick answer is anything you want- questions on which diet is the best? How many calories should I eat? Should I be dairy-free? I’m gluten free but how do I manage my family who isn’t? Why do I wake up at 3am every night? How do I detox heavy metal from my body? How do I heal from Adrenal Fatigue? ….
Bring all your questions (my last VIP couple each brought a list of 20 questions!) But, I’m also going to push us to go further. We’ll dig deep on your health, get to the root of your symptoms, so you can understand what your body is telling you.
- inflammation
- auto-immune disease
- lacking energy
- ezcema
- allergies
- ???? (enter your need here:________________)
Where does the culinary part come in?
As part of your day, we’ll fire up the stove and show you how to address your kitchen needs. Reading labels, food prep, shopping and pantry help can be all be addressed.
Where does this all take place?
Your place. My place. Online (yes, we can actually cook together online!) Heck, we can even meet in Peru if you want.
Who is this VIP Coaching & Kitchen day for?
If you’re ready to take charge of your health, if you want FAST results, are often short on time and don’t need the weekly hand-holding of traditional coaching- this is perfect for you!
Build in a healthy bond between couples or a small family.
A VIP day is also great if you want hands-on kitchen instruction with a side of health.
If you’re ready to get out of your daily norm, ready to experience the power of unleashing greater possibilities for creativity, a fresh perspective, new ideas, new mindsets, more confidence and new skills – this is for you!
Save hours, days and weeks of frustration of trying to figure it all out on your own. Achieve more together in shorter time so you can get back to being you.
CASE STUDY- Curious how this has worked for others?
I received this email that is so similar to many stories I hear from my clients:
“My Dad is a diabetic and heart attack survivor. His eating habits are terrible – when his blood sugar is low, he has cookies because he must need sugar.”
My client went on to say…
“ Honestly, I have blood sugar challenges myself and am also hoping to learn how to manage it better – I’m not diabetic, but certainly exhibit the symptoms of hypoglycemia on occasion. We grew up on Mom’s home cooking, but she’s a classic 60s housewife – Ragu sauce on spaghetti, Campbell’s mushroom soup to make beef stroganoff. Shake n Bake pork chops.”
For this VIP day- we made it a family affair. We planned the day to allow us to discuss current health challenges, walking through how the body and mind process these challenges, what to look for in terms of symptoms and ways to combat them. Then we all rolled up our sleeves and created a delicious meal that focused on balancing blood sugar. We wrapped up the day by with actionable steps they each can implement in their own ways.
Here is the email I received just a few days later:
“Thank you for your time, your expertise, and your graciousness on Monday. We all had a wonderful time while learning how to manage our blood sugar better and lunch was a big hit. Mom called this morning to tell me that Dad had a long conversation with his favorite waitress at their regular breakfast spot this morning about adding greens to his diet, and enjoyed his spinach & Swiss cheese omelette very much. I am hopeful that it will enable all of us to make better choices for our health going forward….we truly appreciate all you did for us.” Janet M.
Are you ready for a private VIP HEALTHY MAKEOVER DAY? Contact your Health Coach and Chef Monique and let’s get you scheduled today.