I think you would agree with me when I say that in general, it’s important to know how to take care of ourselves. We all have some idea about this, but honestly it’s not like there was a ‘taking care of me’ class in school. Information like this used to get passed down from generation to generation, but our times are changing and homeopathic remedies have been pushed aside for more Western medicine treatments (there’s a pill for that).
But now, more than ever, it’s vitally important to understand the basics of taking care of ourselves. Food nourishes us, but there are crucial elements that affect our entire being and feeds our soul. Think of these as 4 different levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
- Food: The right kind of food is nourishing, immune-boosting and required for the health of our cells. Read: not processed.
- Exercise: A body in motion stays in motion. Movement doesn’t have to all be the intense, high energy, can’t-move-the-next-day kind. It’s about finding the balance that’s right for you.
- Sleep: Did you know the body REPAIRS while we sleep? Our hormones, gut and brain are all affected. In fact, when we don’t get proper sleep, there’s literally no system in the body that goes unharmed! You need more than you’re likely getting.
We crave physical contact. It’s been documented that social distancing can prove undesirable and damaging to our emotional health; most of us are just used to it by another name: a nursing home.
Managing stress might be the most important of all. That doesn’t mean powering through, working 12 hour shifts and never finding the off button.
This doesn’t have to be woo-woo or religious. Having a spiritual practice will help to keep us grounded and feel the connection with others through energy AND will help with the mental aspects too –bonus!
If you need help connecting in any of these, please do reach out. #weareinthistogether