Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve most likely heard the phrase: ‘You are what you eat’. Heck, I’m pretty sure I’ve even used that phrase numerous times before.
But what if I told you that phrase is no longer correct? Actually, looking back it was probably never entirely true as written. But thanks to the latest and greatest research we understand the body better than ever.
The new, updated phrase is actually:
You are what you eat, digest, AND assimilate.
We could even take it a step further by saying:
You are what you eat, digest, AND assimilate… and if you’re not careful, you can also become what you don’t eliminate”.
Um … yuck.
Both phrases probably made sense to you on some level the minute you read them, right? We can eat the healthiest food available, but it won’t matter if our body isn’t absorbing the key minerals and nutrients our body needs to thrive.
Whether your digestion is sluggish and moving too slow, bloated, gassy or even if it’s loosey-goosey and moving too fast, these are all signs that you’re not breaking your food down properly and ultimately not absorbing the nutrients.
The signs and symptoms don’t stop there. In fact, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and depression all can stem from poor or mal-absorption. Shocking, no?
There are a number of super simple, almost mundane, things you can do to help your gut digest and absorb better. In fact, I wrote a previous blog post about how these simple eating hygiene steps can help with your stomach acid woe’s. Yup, these work in many ways and on many health challenges. Here’s a quick recap:
- Chew your food thoroughly
- Eat slowly, 20 – 40 times!
- Sit at a table, not at your desk or in front of the t.v.
- Avoid drinking too many liquids with your meal
- Eat more warm, cooked vegetables
- Avoid fruit after meals
- Stop before you are full
Feel like you’re doing all these steps and things still aren’t improving? Your body might need a little extra help:
- Add in digestive enzymes or Swedish Bitters. You simple take these with your meal. They do exactly as it sounds- they help you digest your food.
- Eliminate gluten from your diet. GASP! Perhaps not the easiest step in the world, but if you’re experiencing anxiety, mood swings, fatigue or brain fog, gluten may be the thing that is preventing your body from absorbing.
More than just WHAT you eat matters. How you eat and when you eat play a huge role. Plus, there is a chance your gut needs further TLC to actually heal. If you find you need a little help getting your gut in order, reach out and let’s talk!
Happy Day
~ Monique