Candles and music are a good start, but foods can play a key role in affecting our moods. I think I can state that without linking to an organized research paper to prove it; the truth is that we all know it.
For example, people drink caffeine to boost their energy when tired. And we eat stews, chili and mac & cheese when we want to be comforted.
Whether we want to admit it or now, we know that junk foods and sugar do NOT make us feel great in the long run. Even heavy carb-laden meals will slow us down. Think about the last time you ate giant deep dish pizza- how did you feel after? Most of us admit that we want to just lay on the couch and take a nap afterwards. Perhaps not the best choice for your next date night!
What are better date-worthy choices? When it comes to foods that boost our sexual moods, there are some obvious choices that you may have heard about:
- Oysters: the zinc tips testosterone.
- Chocolate: it’s phenylethylamne can make you feel like you’re in love.
- Red Wine: helps us relax, but recommend no more than 2 glasses!
But here are a few lesser known sexy foods that you might want to include in your menu lineup:
- Cherries: these are just plain sexy to eat (can you tie the stem using just your mouth and no hands??)
- Ginger: gets your blood pumping by stimulating your circulatory system.
- Coconut Milk: besides being creamy and delicious it contains arginine, an amino acid associated with increased sexual desire in women
- Beets: Known to help increase blood flow, beets were used medicinally by the ancient Romans as an aphrodisiac.
- Nori: Sea vegetables like nori are high in vitamins B1 and B2, which are important for the production of sex hormones.
- Pomegranates The pom owes its passion power to antioxidants, which protect the lining of blood vessels, allowing more blood to course through them. The upshot? Increased genital sensitivity.
- Figs: As the Doctrine of Signatures (states that every plant was created with a “sign”, indicating its purpose) teaches us, foods that look like body parts tend to be good for those body parts. Ever sliced open a fig?
What are your go-to sensual mood boosting foods?