There’s a couple things you need to know about this Zesty and Spicy Healthy Popcorn Snack recipe:
- Use the following as a loose base (ok, sure, I say that about all of my recipes…)
- You are going to need a napkin while eating it!
- Mix and match the oil/butter combinations to fit your needs. I’ve tried olive oil, butter, ghee and coconut oil in various combinations and they all work great.
- I drank it with a Rose’; I think it would pair much better with a beer or champagne even.
Happy Popping!
1 tbls coconut oil
1/2 cup popcorn (I really like this Tiny But Mighty Popcorn)
2 tbls ghee
1 tsp tablespoons coconut sugar
1 tsp ancho chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/8 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp cayenne (less if you don’t like a touch of spice)
1/4 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
Zest of 1 lime
Pop the corn: Stove top Popcorn: In a deep stock pot melt the coconut oil over medium heat with 3 or 4 kernels with the lid on. As soon as they pop open the lid and add the remaining corn. Return the lid and shake really well. Replace the lid and continue to cook until the popping begins.
Here’s the key to stove top popcorn- you need to shake often (this will help the unpopped kernels to fall to the bottom of the pan where the heat is) and slightly ajar the lid to allow a little steam to escape. If you give the steam too much room you will find too many kernels also escape and cause kitchen havoc. So place the lid on fully, give the pan a good shake, then tilt the lid just slightly until you don’t hear anymore popping. Quickly shut off the heat, pour the popcorn into a large bowl and set aside.
Return the pan to the same burner (the burner should be off now) and add all the remaining ingredients. The heat of the pan will melt the ghee and allow the spices to meld in. Pour this goo onto the popcorn and toss really well. Add additional salt as needed for your palette.
Enjoy with a napkin close by!
NOTE: I mentioned my current favorite popcorn (not getting paid by them at all, I just love that their little kernels mostly-all pop and their GMO-free factor). But these pop into small kernels. So if your popcorn is bigger you *might* need more ghee/oil to cover the surface area- but I wouldn’t add more seasoning as this is heavily seasoned as is.