Your gut. Would you say it’s good, or that it needs some love?
A good gut is one you shouldn’t really notice. Food is eaten, broken down, absorbed and eliminated… ok, there’s a number of other steps and factors in that process, but think large overview here!
This process should largely go unnoticed by us. But yet we seem to have an epidemic of symptoms that tells us things are going so smoothly. Did you know it’s not actually normal to have bloating, belching and gas? These symptoms have really only become ‘normal’ in the past handful a decades.
Why? I have two thoughts on this:
- The pharmaceutical industry promotes and sells sickness. Why? A lot of money can be made this way. Through their advertisements, they have ‘normalized‘ sickness. When you see it on television that many others have the same challenges and you can take a magic pill for it … you begin to think everyone has it [insert whatever symptom you are feeling] and that the answer is to pop a pill. Spending on drug promotion has steadily increased since the mid-90’s. In fact, one research article I read claims drug companies spend more on advertising than on research!
- Our lifestyles have changed. #truth. We eat more processed foods ON THE RUN. We aren’t sitting down to quiet meal and chewing our food. And we’re completely stressed out, which shuts down the digestive system.
But let’s put blame aside and talk about what’s really important- how to make changes in your life to get your gut working smoothly and seamlessly.
That’s why I created Understanding the Microbiome class. So you can get to the root cause of your symptoms, not just band aide them with a pill that won’t heal the problem. You can FEEL better!
Did you know your microbiome controls how many calories you absorb from the food you eat? It also impacts food cravings. Anxiety and depression. And the release of hormones! WHOA!
In this class, you will learn
- What is the microbiome?
- What does it do?
- Consequences of an unhealthy microbiome?
- Environmental factors that hurt the microbiome
- What helps the microbiome?
We’ll even connect weakened immune systems with c-section delivery, formula-fed babies, antibiotic use and birth control pills. And relieve for low stomach acid and leaky gut.
Thursday, January 14th. 6pm CT. via Zoom. Register at -> Understanding the Microbiome.
Looking forward to seeing you and your happy gut there~