In this age of electronic everything, there’s something so special about receiving unexpected mail that isn’t a bill. The act of opening it, how does it look, what does it say, is it handwritten or typed, which stamp is on it…?
During the past year of the lockdown, like most of you, we didn’t travel or spend in-person time with family or friends. It was just the two of us, which was nice in its own way, but I really missed connecting with others.
Sound familiar?
One thing I look forward to every day is checking the mail, especially around the holidays. Seeing all the family photos, reading about the past year and feeling connected.
Truth is, whatever’s inside that card doesn’t matter. It could be a post it note, a newspaper clipping or a coupon, doesn’t matter- it’s the thought that counts. The idea that someone, somewhere was thinking about me for a few minutes…that warms my heart and makes me feel loved.
This isn’t just about the holidays. I had a birthday a few days ago but really didn’t expect anything in the mailbox, perhaps because so many of you in this beautiful tribe offered me birthday love via social media — thank you!
Opening the mailbox to see brightly-colored cards with whimsical drawings put a huge smile on my face!
So I’d like to offer you the same moment of joy around your birthday. But I need two things from you: your birthday and mailing address.
Please trust that I will never share your information with anyone! This really is just about embracing a little nostalgia from my penpal days and letting you know someone out there is thinking about you during your celebration month. Keep your age a secret by noting 1900 for the year!
If you are a:
- New email subscriber: use this form to join our email and birthday mailings.
- Current subscriber, update your profile here.
For ease, you a can also email your birthday and mailing address directly to me– whatever you find easier!
Then, put it out of your mind. When the day comes that you find a mysterious, brightly colored envelope in your mailbox – know that someone, somewhere, was thinking about you.
Happy Birthday to me and you!