A 7-day Whole Foods Autumn Reset
Refresh your body before the holidays hit!
A new season is here! The weather is shifting. The light is changing. The holidays are looming.
It’s a great time for a reset.
A simple 7-day pan so you can end 2023 feeling fresh and new.
Seven days of a step-by-step plan with delicious and healthy recipes, designed to hit the reset button.
Detox. Cleanse. Clean out. Purge. These words can be very scary.
But it doesn’t have to be.
That’s why I created this simple Seven-day Whole Foods Autumn Reset. No scary green juices here. Just warm, nourishing foods – foods that require you to chew!
- 7-day Guide
- 2 live sessions on optimizing autumn health (will be recorded)
- 7 days of live morning meditations (will be recorded)
- Menu
- Organized Shopping List
- Deeply nourishing recipes
- Healthy eating and lifestyle recommendations
- Daily support from me.
- Ongoing accountability!
- Options to go deeper if you’re ready.
- Gluten, dairy, soy and processed sugar-free
Does this feel familiar?
You feel stuck or stalled in your current routine around eating, movement or self-care
Your digestion is a little off: bloating, cravings, bowel movements are too often or not often enough
Energy levels are up and down
Just feeling like you’ve lost your glow?
Fall can be a time of scattered, anxious energy. The summer memories are fading and the stress of navigating the holidays is looming … it’s not hard to imagine why sleep might be tenuous.
A change in season is a great time to simplify your perspective. Give your digestive system a break, give your emotional self a soft landing place and clear any accumulated toxins from the body and mind.
This is not a fast — it’s a program to re-set your digestion with simple, nourishing whole food.
Even if you think you’re too busy, rest assured — this isn’t a life takeover. It is about slowing down, preparing good food, and finding a few moments of pause. When you create these intentions in your life, you will set yourself up for the coming months by fortifying your system on all levels.
I’m going to walk you through the whole thing, we’re going to do it together. I’ll be there for you every step of the way.
Register today- we start on Tuesday, October 10! or contact Monique@happyeatshealthy.com for additional payment options
The premise of this Whole Foods Autumn Reset is steeped in Ayurvedic principles.
A fall pause allows us to harness our energy, hit reset on our food intake and on our digestion system, and it keeps us healthy and energized.
Part of the eating program is focused on Monomeals with Kitchari and Congee. They are just like they sound, a meal comprised of one (or in this case just a couple of) ingredients. Monomeals are not a “fad”, “diet” or anything you do long-term. This is just an easy way to give your body a BREAK from trying to sort out all the different enzymes needed to break down protein, carbs, fat, as well as those mysterious additives and fillers permitted in our food system.
- BONUS: upon registration, you’ll begin receiving tips one week prior to our kick off date to help you get prepared to get the most out of the program. It’s like getting an entire week free.
Reset your body for less than $10 a day.
Register via Paypal or contact Monique@happyeatshealthy.com for additional payment options
Officially the group is starting on October 10th. But if that timing doesn’t work for you, or if you aren’t ready for whatever reason – no problem. Once you register you’ll be sent the guidebook and added to the Facebook group where you can start at your leisure.