If I am “fine” why do I feel so lousy!? Does this question ring true for you?
Answer me a couple more questions:
- Do you have nagging symptoms that you can’t ever get past?
- Do you remember the last time you slept through the night?
- Do you have simple, easy bowel movements 1-3x each day?
- Is weight a constant battle?
- Are you finding more and more hair on your brush or shower floor?
- Are you always cold? Or dealing with hot flashes?
- Do you have ringing in your ears?
- Are you too tired to get through the day without coffee or sugar?
- In too much pain to exercise, move or even leave the couch?
This is where functional medicine steps in. We see every person as unique. But we also understand every system in the body is interconnected. Imbalance, blockage or impairment is a natural function of the body that precedes disease; in other words – the body is trying to protect you (itself) and it’s sending you signals as to what is happening on the inside. Our goal is to dig into those experiences (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), to asses your genetics, predispositions and your lifestyle priorities to get at your custom healing ability.
I’m not replacing your doctor, or your chiropractor or your massage therapist; rather I’m working in tandem with them. YES, you are worth a team. After all, you only get one body.
My purpose is to help you find your happy. Because I’ve been there and had a million little things wrong and very few people to help me along the way. So hello, my name is Monique. I’ve been studying functional medicine to help you get to the ROOT CAUSE of why you feel less than fabulous.
Because putting a band aide on won’t ever solve the underlying problem. That band aide could be taking a prescription drug, spending money and time searching for the right doctor, remedy, the perfect pill, cream or powder, undertaking detoxes the body isn’t ready for, going on diets or following crazy work outs that aren’t in alignment with your body’s needs, or self medicating with drugs or alcohol … these won’t ever fix the real problem. It’s really just adding more fuel to the fire.
Virtually I create a path to educate, empower and inspire others in their health journey. I specialize in the reduction and reversal of pain, constipation, brain fog, acid reflux, fatigue, thyroid struggles, sleepless nights and other mystery symptoms that have been lingering for so long you’ve nearly given up.
When you’re ready.
When you’re really sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I’m here for you.